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Title: Optimization and 3d design of a 3-dof translational parallel robot in surgery appllication = Tối ưu hóa và thiết kế 3D ROBOT song song phẳng 3 bậc tự do ứng dụng cho y tế
Authors: Pham, Van Bach Ngoc
Dam, Hai Quan
Bui, Trung Thanh
Le, Van Dam
Keywords: 3-DOF translational parallel robot
Particle Swarm Optimization
Issue Date: 2021
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí cơ khí;Số 7 .- Tr.109-114
Abstract: In this paper, the kinematics analysis results of workspace of 3-DOF translational parallel robot were briefly presented. Based on the mathematics model, the singularity was analyzed with the real application conditions. Then, the normal particle swarm optimization (PSO) method and PSO method with condition coefficients were proposed to optimize the 3-DOF translational parallel robot workspace. The optimal results were compared with the result of the Matlab Optimization toolbox. Finally, the optimal kinematics parameters were used to design and fabricate a sample of a 3-DOF translational parallel robot which proposed to apply to the surgery field .
ISSN: 2615-9910
Appears in Collections:Cơ khí Việt Nam

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