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Title: EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Continuing Professional Development Activities: A case Study at a University in Vietnam
Authors: Nguyễn, Anh Thi
Lê, Vũ Thúy Vi
Keywords: Sư phạm Tiếng Anh
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study investigated EFL pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) activities. 110 EFL pre-service teachers at a university in Vietnam volunteered to participate in this study. A questionnaire was employed to collect quantitative data. The results generally showed that pre-service teachers were highly aware of the importance of CPD activities. Specifically, the results indicated that pre-service teachers strongly believed in the significance of CPD activities in (1) raising awareness of strengths and weaknesses, (2) acquiring new knowledge, (3) solving a particular problem, (4) upgrading skills due to changes in society or the field, (5) advancing one’s career and (6) finding fulfillment in one’s work to prevent burnout. Accordingly, the study provides possible suggestions and implications for teachers and other related stakeholders regarding implementing CPD activities for their career development.
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