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Title: Application of a newly puzzel shaped crestbond rib shear connector in composite beam using opposite T steel girder: A parametric study = Ứng dụng liên kết kháng cắt kiểu mới Crestbond hở trong dầm liên hợp sử dụng dầm thép hình chữ T ngược: Phân tích phần tử hữu hạn
Authors: Dao, Duy Kien
Keywords: Crestbond rib shear connector
Concrete-steel composite beam
Composite behavior
Loading test
Shear resistance formula
FEM analysis
Issue Date: 2023
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Xây dựng Việt Nam;Số 659 .- Tr.133-137
Abstract: In this study, results from experiments on the behavior of crestbond-type bonds were performed. Then, this type of connection is applied to composite beams, steel beams, reinforced concrete slab, to analyze the behavior of the composite structure. The 3D finite element model of the 4-point bending test is applied to carry out the research. The behavior of displacement, relative sliding between steel beam and reinforced concrete slab, concrete deformation, steel beam deformation, failure mode are analyzed and compared in detail. In addition, the influence of the degree of connection, concrete strength, and size of the slab cross section are also included in the analysis. The obtained results show that the simulation model has achieved high reliability with experimental results. The COMBIN39 element is precise enough to reflect the nature of the Perfobond connector.
ISSN: 2734-9888
Appears in Collections:Xây dựng

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