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Title: Effect of TD0014 on intracavernous pressure elicited with electrical stimulation of the cavernous nerve in male rats
Authors: Mai, Phuong Thanh
Pham, Thi Van Anh
Nguyen, Trong Thong
Nguyen, Thi Huong Lien
Keywords: TD0014
Cavernous nerve stimulation
Intracavernous pressure
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Journal of Medical research;Vol.111E2(02) .- P.36-43
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effects of an herbal formula named TD0014 on the electrostimulation-induced erection in a rat model. Eighteen sixteen-week-old male Wistar rats were used. The intracavernous pressure and the arterial blood pressure were simultaneously monitored during cavernous nerve electrical stimulation before and after the administration of TD0014 (1.8 g/kg). Statistical analysis was performed on measurements of maximal intracavernous pressure (MIP), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and the MIP/MAP. The administration of TD0014 resulted in a significant increase in the baseline level of intracavernosal pressure (ICP) before stimulation in comparison to the control group (P < 0.05). The findings also showed that the maximal ICP and the area under the curve (AUC time × ICP curves) in TD0014 group were greater than distilled water group, however, this difference was not significant. TD0014 had no significant effect on the mean arterial pressure. These results indicated that the herbal formulation TD0014 may have positive and selective effects on improving erectile functions in male rats.
ISSN: 2354-080X
Appears in Collections:Nghiên cứu y học (Journal of Medical Research)

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