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Title: Water quality modelling of the Mekong River basin: Climate change and socioeconomics drive flow and nutrient flux changes to the Mekong Delta
Authors: Whitehead, P. G.
Jin, L.
Bussi, G.
Voepel, H. E.
Darby, S. E.
Vasilopoulos, G.
Manley, R.
Rodda, H.
Hutton, C.
Hackney, C.
Van Pham DangTri, Van Pham DangTri
N., N. Hung
Keywords: Mekong River
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: Science of the Total Environment;Vol. 673 .- P.218-229
Abstract: The Mekong delta is recognised as one of the world's most vulnerable mega-deltas, being subject to a range of environmental pressures including sea level rise, increasing population, and changes in flows and nutrients from its upland catchment. With changing climate and socioeconomics there is a need to assess how the Mekong catchment will be affected in terms of the delivery of water and nutrients into the delta system. Here we apply the Integrated Catchment model (INCA) to the whole Mekong River Basin to simulate flow and water quality, including nitrate, ammonia, total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus. The impacts of climate change on all these variables have been assessed across 24 river reaches ranging from the Himalayas down to the delta in Vietnam. We used the UK Met Office PRECIS regionally coupled climate model to downscale precipitation and temperature to the Mekong catchment. This was accomplished using the Global Circulation Model GFDL-CM to provide the boundary conditions under two carbon control strategies, namely representative concentration.
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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