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Title: Physicochemical characterization of starch isolated from red Monascus rice
Authors: Chandra, Ivon Kusmijo
Trần, Nguyễn Phương Lan
Ju, Yi-Hsu
Ismadji, Suryadi
Tran, Thi Yen Ngoc
Kasim, Novy Srihartanti
Keywords: Monascus pigment
Red Monascus rice
Thermal analysis
Issue Date: 2014
Series/Report no.: Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering;9 .- p. 527–534
Abstract: Red Monascus rice (Ang-kak) is used as a traditional medicine and a natural colorant for food and beverages. Starch isolated from waste Ang-kak may compete economically with other common starch and give new value to this waste. Isolation by using alkaline method gave a product with a starch content of 81%. Impurities in the product are protein, fiber, ash, and secondary metabolites of the Monascus rice. Several physicochemical properties of the isolated starch were also investigated. It was found that 88.03% of the isolated starch is amylopectin. Thermogravitation study showed that the isolated starch degraded only slightly at temperature below 230 °C and can be considered as a new source of starch for various applications.
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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