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Title: Geographical variation in morphological leaf traits of Huperzia serrata (Lycopodiaceae) from Vietnam
Authors: Nguyen, Thi Ai Minh
Le, Ngoc Trieu
Nong, Van Duy
Tran, Van Tien
Keywords: Huperzia serrata
Climatic factors
Morphological leaf traits
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Sinh học;Vol. 41, No. 04 .- P.101-110
Abstract: Morphological leaf traits can be used to assess adaptive responses of plants to environmental conditions. To assess how the representation of Huperzia serrata leaf traits, such as leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW) and leaf area (LA) response to changes in mean annual emperature (MAT), sunshine duration (SuH). mean annual precipitation (MAP). air humidity (Hu), intraspecific variation of the morphological leaf traits of the species was analyzed along a geographical gradient of Vietnam. The results showed that among the three populations at the three sites, leaf sizes increased with MAT and MAP.
ISSN: 0866-7160
Appears in Collections:Sinh học

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