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Title: Critical Race Theory meets internal family systems: toward a compassion spirituality for a multireligious and multiracial World
Authors: Yong, Aizaiah G.
Keywords: Mixed race
Practical theology
Spiritual care
Critical race theory
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Buddhist – Christian Studies;Vol. 40 .- P.439-447
Abstract: This paper seeks to bring together the insights of critical mixed race theory (MultiCrit) along with the wisdom of contemporary psycho-spirituality internal family systems to imagine how various streams of Buddhist and Christian contemplative traditions might be broadly synthesized to support the lives of those who identify as multiracial or multireligious. While the paper focuses primarily on intra- personal and interpersonal relational engagement, suggestions will also be made to support the transformation of societal structures and systems from a spirituality of compassion. The paper concludes that Buddhist and Christian wisdom traditions aimed at embracing and transforming the self will be heavily strengthened through dialogue with Critical Mixed Race Theory. Additionally, I propose that the wisdom and practices of Buddhist and Christian spiritualities of compassion can work to guide and sustain those who are committed to actions that foster racial justice in an increasingly pluralistic world.
ISSN: 0882-0945
Appears in Collections:Buddhist Christian studies

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