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Nhan đề: The Divided Globalization of Social Sciences in an Unequal World and Anti - Concepts
Tác giả: Zimmering, Raina
Từ khoá: Social Sciences
Unequal Globalization
Altemative Production of Knowledge
Scientific Freedom
Năm xuất bản: 2018
Tùng thư/Số báo cáo: Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn;Tập 4, Số 05 .- Tr.584-592
Tóm tắt: In this analysis of critical political science in the framework of the entanglement between post structural and ontological approaches, the author goes beyond the usual claims by asserting that since globalization, especially in the economic and political domains, is not a uniform and integrated process, likewise the globalization of social sciences does not necessarily enhance cooperation and promote equal participation. First, there is a process of standardization of the social Sciences through intemational criteria of peer reviewing and ranking, the so called Social Science Citation Index - SSCL These are common and universal criteria for evaluating research Products by experts claiming to be neutral-which suggests the imposition of a kind of scientific imperialism. However, going agaitist this mainstream is the emergence of scientific networks on the internet representing different universities and research institutes highlighting the works especially of young researchers, not to mention the many forums on the internet affiliated with various international scientific societies, associations and tederations all over the world. There are attempts to change the course of the current “imperialist” globalization of social Sciences from the Global North in developing a “scientific life” from the bottom based on participative principles in altemative autonomous spaces, for example the rebellious Zapatistas communities in Mexico. This is something quite new and has yet to be developed further.
Định danh:
ISSN: 2354-1172
Bộ sưu tập: Khoa học Xã hội & Nhân văn

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