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Title: Identifying the concept “fraction” of primary school students: The investigation in Vietnam
Authors: Nguyễn, Phú Lộc
Dương, Hữu Tòng
Phan, Thai Chau
Keywords: Fraction
Teaching and learning fraction
Mathematics in primary schools
Mathematics education
Issue Date: 2017
Series/Report no.: Educational Research and Reviews;12 .- p.531-539
Abstract: In Vietnam, primary school students explicitly learn the concept of fraction in Grade 4 and 5. Because this concept is introduced to them intuitionally, it is difficult for them to understand and apply it. Base on this point, we believe that the students will commit many errors when solving exercises related to this concept. The survey of 478 students showed that some remarkable errors were made by most students; when learning fractions, students still did not understand the nature of fractions as well as the equality of parts. Therefore, teachers should note the errors of students, and use the effective pedagogical measures to help them prevent, and correct the errors.
ISSN: 1990-3839
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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