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Title: Development Aquaculture Quality Management Syste in Vietnam
Authors: Lê, Nguyễn Đoan Khôi
Keywords: Value chain
Quality management
Quality assurance
Pangasius industry
Issue Date: 2017
Series/Report no.: Global Journal for Research Analysis;6 .- p.541-544
Abstract: This paper deals with the importance of quality management in designing an export-oriented aquaculture value chain. It discusses assumptions and concepts of global value chain from the perspective of quality management. Consequently, we derived a model for analysing quality management processes in Pangasius industry. It deals with relationships between chain stakeholders. We identied instruments for designing sustainable business relations among aquaculture value chain.
URI: http://localhost:8080//jspui/handle/123456789/5145
ISSN: 2277-8160
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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