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Nhan đề: A review of theories about factors influencing teachers’ job satisfaction
Tác giả: Bui, Thi Thuy Quyen
Từ khoá: Models of job satisfaction
Factors of job satisfaction
Job satisfaction
Năm xuất bản: 2020
Tùng thư/Số báo cáo: Tạp chí Phát triển & Hội nhập;Số 52 .- Tr.131-140
Tóm tắt: The success of an organization is widely believed to stem from individuals’ contributions, and its personnel are precious assets of an institution. Satisfying staff so that they willingly engage and devote to the collective objectives is one of the most challenges of an organization. Many studies have investigated the relationship between the impact of job satisfaction on the employees’ motivation and on organizations’ productivity and performance. My paper presents a general review of theories related to pivotal factors influencing teachers’ satisfaction. Of the factors contributing to the job satisfaction level, Working Environments (a general term for Nature of Work, Communication, Operating and Working Conditions), Reward Systems (including Promotion, Fringe Benefits, Contingent Rewards) and Payment are advised to be seriously taken into consideration to satisfy teachers’ demands and retain them. A definition of demographic characteristics including factors like gender, age, qualification, work experience, and marital status are also reviewed in this writing because many other authors posited that demographic factors act as good predictors of job satisfaction besides other factors mentioned above.
Định danh:
ISSN: 1859-428X
Bộ sưu tập: Phát triển & hội nhập

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