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Title: Transesterification of soybean oil with methanol and acetic acid at lower reaction severity under subcritical conditions
Authors: Go, Alchris Woo
Ju, Yi-Hsu
Ismadji, Suryadi
Cabatingan, Luis K.
Sutanto, Sylviana
Nguyễn, Thị Bích Thuyền
Keywords: Biodiesel
Soybean oil
Subcritical methanol
Subcritical acetic acid
Issue Date: 2014
Series/Report no.: Energy Conversion and Management;88 .- p.1159-1166
Abstract: Soybean oil (56–80 g) was reacted with methanol (40–106 mL) to produce fatty acid methyl ester in the presence of 1–6% acetic acid under subcritical condition at 250 °C. Stirring and loading of the reaction system affected the yield and severity of the process. The presence of acetic acid improved the yield of FAME from 32.1% to 89.5% at a methanol to oil molar ratio of 20 mL/g. Acetic acid was found to act strongly as an acid catalyst and to some extent improved the solubility between oil and methanol. Reaction pressure higher than the supercritical pressure of methanol (7.85 MPa) was not required to achieve high FAME yield (89.5–94.8%) in short time (30–60 min).
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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