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Title: Promoting Motivation in Language Learning with Native-Speaking English Teachers: Unheard Voices of EFL Students
Authors: Nguyễn, Anh Thi
Trần, Thị Thiên Trang
Keywords: Sư phạm Tiếng Anh
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The current study aims to investigate Vietnamese EFL learners’ perceptions of motivation when learning with native-speaking English teachers (NETs) to find out how the NETs factor affects learners’ motivation in learning. Eighty-eight learners of English volunteered to participate in the study. A questionnaire and an interview activity are employed to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The results show that four among the tenth proposed properties of NETs had strong influences on learners’ motivation including: (1) setting a personal example with own behavior, (2) creating a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, (3) developing a good relationship with learners, and (4) familiarizing learners with the target language culture. In addition, the results indicate that the NETs should shift more focus onto (1) presenting the tasks properly, (2) increasing learners’ goal-orientedness, and (3) promoting learner autonomy. Accordingly, possible suggestions and implications for NETs as well as other stakeholders regarding promoting EFL learners’ motivation are addressed.
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